
Strathmore/Chestermere Family Resource Network

The Strathmore/ Chestermere Family Resource Network provides a wide spectrum of prevention to intensive services for families with children aged 0-18, at no cost. The Family Resource Network works with families, caregivers and communities to support the safety and resiliency of infants, children and youth within nurturing and supportive environments.  Programming and services support child safety, well-being and development, caregiver capacity and support, while incorporating Indigenous and culturally appropriate services throughout.   We know that positive experiences in early years can create the foundation for strong and healthy children and youth. We recognize that children and youth are the future and we are committed to helping young people have a healthy start in life so that they can thrive in adulthood.

To learn more about Trellis Commons, the Chestermere/Strathmore Family Resource Network and how they work in conjunction with Chestermere Parent & Caregiver Support Services, please click here.